Always follow your dreams; they know the way!!

(Kru Lynni)

Yoga Fly Instructor


I started yoga fly as a student. I have tried many different types of exercise but I found it very difficult to find a workout that suited me. After my first yoga fly class I was hooked. I loved it so much that I started practicing every day for 2 hours and decided I wanted to share my passion for it with other people as an Instructor. The Pilates Station changed my life. Before I started with the studio I was overweight and did not know what direction I wanted to take in life. Everyone at the Pilates Station believed in me and inspired me to become an Instructor. My favourite thing about the yoga fly method is that you get strong, fit and flexible without evening noticing that you are working out. I love that there is always a new pose, movement or choreography to work towards; the possibilities are literally endless!!